Ditching Spreadsheets for Pave’s Compensation Planning: A Fireside Chat with Revolution Medicines 

When Rachel joined the Revolution Medicines Total Rewards team, she was immediately focused on setting up the right systems to support scale. Running cycles out of spreadsheets would no longer cut it, and it was time to get in front of the company’s impending growth and find a new solution for compensation.  

Join Rachel Shaw, Director of Compensation at RevMed, and Charlie Nelson, VP of Customer Success at Pave, for a fireside chat that explores RevMed’s journey out of Excel and into Pave’s compensation management tool. 

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What You'll Learn:

The inflection point for the RevMed team for graduating from Excel to a compensation management solution
Tips for change management in transitioning from tracking comp cycles in spreadsheets into Pave’s compensation planning tool
How RevMed was able to not only quickly launch their Q1 comp cycle, but hit all significant deadlines with leadership stakeholders
